
So I was going to post again and be lite hearted about the whole thing with a very Easy Rider kind of attitude until I went to upload some new photos and somehow since the library two hours ago I have lost a bunch of recent photos. Pretty much a weeks worth. I have no Pictures of the Redwood Forest or even the last three days of Oregon. PISSED.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ray-
Not your tech day, huh?
When you get down the road another couple of days, go to Bolinas in Marin County. It's a beautiful little beach town, with a hip and open vibe (or it was last I was there). Can't guarantee there will be a library, but probably an internet cafe. It's also probably the last peaceful beach you'll see till you get to Big Sur. A nice place to rest up.
Be well

Anonymous said...

hi ray,
just thinking about you. you rock. take care.

Kerry said...


I was sent to check out your blog by your cousin Christian. I live in Washington which it seems is where you are now, so if you need anything let me know...sounds like a great adventure you're on!


Anonymous said...

Rayhole, don't freak about the photos yet. You're saying they aren't on the media storage card anymore? They may have been relegated to an invisible file that can be found with the aid of a computer. So, don't mass delete anything thinking that they are already gone. Hold on, good buddy.


craig said...

ray ray- who needs pictures, they never do any justice anyway. good to hear of your capers, it makes my lunch break even more enjoyable. when you get to big sur, check out Andrew Molera State park, it was one of my favorite compgrounds along the CA. coast. wish i could ride with you for a day...hows the coffee holding up? keep it real.

Anonymous said...

ray ray,

don't let it get you down buddy!

did you know that shoestring is one of my favorite flavors, second only to one i like to call, buffalo style?

love, cler

p.s. something to look forward to coming home to: buffalo style nachos...with bacon

Anonymous said...

. . . and wings dude

lots and lots of hooters wings

and fried pickles

and me

puking with food poisoning

keep riding dirty homey