
So I'm still sick with this lung infection but i just couldn't stay in my room any longer. I had to escape. So I caught a cab to the Zoo. It housed primarily Himalayan and Asian species of animal. They had a few different monkeys, a bunch of leopards, a snow leopard, Siberian tiger, bears, things that looked a lot like dogs, and things that looked like pig/rat/homeless-sewer-dwellers. The thing that I'm petting is a type of mountain goat called a Ghorat and this particular one was super friendly. As you can see it actually came to the cage and let me pet it. But then again I was also able to touch a Leopard and a Wolf. One of the coolest animals was this Owl. It was huge, made a strange, deep sound and reminded me of the dog thing from Labyrinth. It was actually mesmerizing with it's huge eyes. And the Talons were bigger than my fingers.

Other than that I'm still relegated to my my room, hiding under the covers watching one of the two English stations offered. There is no bathroom in the room, just a communal one down the hall with no shower, just a spicket that spits out cold water in a cold environment. I'm sorta hating life right now, unable to really appreciate the beauty of Nainital because I'm far too connected to my body. I just sit around filling a once empty water bottle with my sick because I'm too exhausted to walk outside and spit over the railing. It's actually filled to a quite impressive level with something that nobody wants to see. Three weeks ago I was becoming dehydrated due to diarrhea now it's due to snot and phlegm. It got so bad that I had to do away with my prized mustache because it was becoming more of a snot-stache. It was hard to finally come to but the idea of all that yellow and green clinging to the bristles under my nose was making everything all so much worse.

OK so this Internet place can eat a dick. I've tried to upload about five pics and the only one coming up is the Bathroom one (yeah, that's the bathroom and also shower room)and that's after about fifteen minutes. So I'm done. Going back to the room to eat Vit. C and hate myself. But it's fucking pouring rain out and I didn't bring an umbrella.

Come on Karma, kick in already. I'm one of the good guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

terrazzo on the floor, a lil bit of paris painted on the tank, bombastic bathroom.

i dont see what your crying about dude:)

sounds like a serious lung infection...i dont think ive known anyone with it that bad. but then again we prolly dont pump lead and asbestos in the air, or God kows what they have over there. dang i really hope you feel better.

crap that sucks man

imagine getting revenge on someone by scraping a toothbrush under the rim of that toilet.

there prolly microorganisms that science hasnt ever recorded under there

love ya mayne, john

keep it black baby