

So here are a few of the pictures from the flight. They certainly don't capture the experience but I take some video with the camera while I was up there. It already seems like a distant memory compared to the sensation of actually being there.

I bet Mel will post some more pics from the ground. Probably some embarrassing ones with me in my wedgie-harness so those should be worth checking if only to use against me later. But don't hate, you wish you were me.


Peter Mullins said...

traveling to india was crazy enough, jumping off a mountian is something else again.

Anonymous said...

i was wonderning if you had the prescence of mind to get this in some sort of visual. OMG incredible..POST those videos dog!!!

i got some videos of me cooking last night for fish fry with damion, all hot and sweaty working for the man in vero beach flawda..

i made 50 dollars cuz...
what what?!?

robin leach could narrarate!
